Sunday, July 14, 2024

Stash Report

A small finish this week, a tablerunner from a GE Designs called Lil' Diana. Super easy, using a 5" charm pack. I put this together in a couple of hours during our Sew in for my quilt guild on Tuesday. This will get quilted up later this week and will be put away for the holidays.

Also finished was #11 block for the Fairy Dust Quilt. One more to go!

Nothing added to the stash this week.

Used this week: 2 yards.
Used YTD: 114.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 76.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 38 yards.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Design Wall

Back home and back to Quilting!

Block #10 is done! This week I will be working on 11 and 12 and hope to have them completed soon. This quilt is taking along time to do, but I have been working on a few other things in between.

Like these split nine patch blocks during my Tuesday sewing group. Tomorrw we have a sew in with Sunrise Stitchers so will bring more of these along to work on.

Have a great week and stay cool!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stash Report

Kanarra Falls

Back home today after a wonderful trip, it was a least a bit cooler than the temps we came home to. 

We took some beautiful hikes in the Cedar City Area, Alpine Pond Loop, Kanarra Falls and Kolob Canyon. The sceanery was beautiful and weather was perfect. 

Second Waterfall

Walking up the canyon in the water.

My favorite hike was up to Kanarra Falls. You have to have a permit to hike this canyon to the falls, as they limit the number of people each day. It was such a beautiful hike and in many places you are walking in the creek, which was only about ankle high. The first waterful has a staricase which you take up to the second waterfall. There is a third waterfall, but that required climbing up some boulders and was a bit much for us.

Cedar Breaks 

Alpine Pond

Some of the wildflowers.

We also went on a fun hike to Alpine Pond in Cedar Breaks NM. It was a beautiful hike with so many different wildflowers blooming and great views of Cedar Breaks Amphitheater. Late June, early July is the perfect time to vist Cedar Breaks.

Double Arch Alcove

We also headed into the Kolob Canyon part of Zion National Park, and hiked Tayler Creek Trail. It was a 5 miler and we were glad we did it in the morning, as it started to get hot on the way back. This also follows a small creek that you have to cross about 20 times and ends at a Double Arch above. We had a busy week and loved every minute.

No Quilt shops to visit, so no chage in the stash.

Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 112.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 76.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 36 yards.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Design Wall

Happy Fourth of July!

We are on our road trip to Cedar City and enjoying the Parade and later today fireworks.

More fun pictures from the Parade in Cedar City. We had a great time and are heading to the park for more festivities and later fireworks at the Airport.

Nothing on the design wall this week, check back next week when I get home.

Happy 4th!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Stash Report

Block number 9 is finished and Happy last day of June!

We are off today on our trip to Cedar City, Utah for the Fourth of July. Arizona is not the place to be for the 4th, too hot and no parades. Cedar City is having a parade, and fireworks. We are also hoping to visit Cedar Breaks National Monument and get some hiking in.
No Changes in the stash.

Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 112.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 76.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 36 yards.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Design Wall

This week, I will be working on the alternate blocks above for Fairy Dust, along with cutting out the remaining blocks. This is sure to keep me busy in between the quilting of my Monster quilt. Hope to have all done by the end of the week.

Happy Sewing!


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Stash Report

Blocks 7 and 8 are finished!
 I will be working on the alternate blocks and cutting the last four blocks this week.

Also completed this week were the next 4 blocks for Heart and Hand. I will be picking out the next four to complete for July. 

No change in the stash for the week.

Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 112.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 76.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 36 yards.

Have a great week!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Design Wall

This week I am back to working on Fairy Dust. Blocks 7 and 8 are almost complete, just need to get the finishing friendship stars on them.

On the long arm this week is my Monster Quilt. This quilt was actually finished in 2011, I just needed to embroider the lettering in the border. Fast forward to 2024 and lettering is finished and this is finally ready to quilt. It will be custom, so may be on the machine for awhile!

Enjoy the rest of the week!


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Stash Report

Hope all the Dad's out there are enjoying their special day!

A small finish this week, Scary Faces. Super cute and a fast pattern to put together. This will be quilted up after the Monster Quilt is done.

While on the road I was able to visit a quilt shop in Sturgis, called Fabric Junction, and one in Custer called The Quilted Buffalo. Yes, there were some additions to the stash.
These were on sale and will use for backing.

Some Christmas Fat Quarters

A couple of great neutrals.

And some patriotic for QOV

So here is the damage for the week!

Used this week: 5.5 yards.
Used YTD: 112.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 10 yards.
Purchased YTD: 76.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 36 yards.

Have a great week!


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Design Wall


We are back from our road trip to the Black Hills in South Dakota. This time we stayed in Deadwood and visited a few places that we missed on our trip there last summer. We went to Custer State Park and drove the Needles highway and the wildlife road where we saw buffalo, deer and lots of prarire dogs. We also took a tour of Jewel cave, visited Sturgis, and hiked in Spearfish Canyon. The weather was beautiful, we had a great time and I did get to visit a couple of quilt shops! Stay tuned for Sunday's Stash report to see what I picked up.
Spearfish Falls

Buffalo Jam on the road.

Buffalo Heard

Roughlock Falls


Not much sewing the last 10 days, but this week I am back at it, working on Scary Faces another Fat Quarter Spooky box that was purchased awhile ago. This will be a quick and fun finish and then back to the paper piecing of Fariy Duster.

Have a great week!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Design Wall


Happy Memorial Day! 
Today we honor all of those that have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms.

Block #7 all cut out and ready to sew,

along with Block #8.
This will be a short week for me sewing as we are preparing for a road trip to the Deadwood SD and the Black Hills.

I also finished up the next installment of my Heart and Hand Blocks. This was a group project started in 2020 and has been put aside for awhile. Our little group has decided to start this up again so we can finish out quilts.I now have 53 completed and I think need to get to about 70 or 80 to finish my quilt.

Here are my first 49. The next 4 will be prepped this week. Enjoy your day!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Stash Report


The Saguaro's are bloming. This Saguaro is in our backyard, and last year it had no blooms at all. This year it is covered! We were so happy to see this and the flowers are beautiful.

Here are the completed five and six blocks from Fairy Duster. Nothing added to the stash this week and nothing used. 

 Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 107.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 66.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 41 yards.

Hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day Weekend!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Design Wall

 Two more blocks done! Five and six are almost finished. This week will be adding the friendship stars and borders that go around the blocks. I will also be cutting pieces for 7 and 8. Lots of longarm quilting going on, with several charity quilts in the works.

All for now, have a great week

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Stash Report


Above is my very first quilt, which I shared at our chapter meeting on Tuesday. Eight of us, shared out first quilts and how we got into quilting. It was super fun and so interesting to see what everyone had made.

Here I am sharing a mini quilt that was also one of my early quilts. I got into minatures, when I was working, cause I thought they would be fast and fun. They are not so fast, but yes a lot of fun to make.

A trip to Modern Quilts on Tuesday after our Chapter Meeting yielded the fabrics above. These will be used for a baby quilt for my niece who is due soon and is having a boy. Colors were grey, blue, green. I will most likely pull the orange fabric out and add more blue and grey. I am thinking of a Minky for the backing. Updated stash numbers below.

 Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 107.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 3.5 yards.
Purchased YTD: 66.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 41 yards.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Design Wall


Monday was a travel day home, after a very fun long weekend in San Diego. Weather was perfect and it was fun to spend time with family.

This week I am working on more blocks for Fairy Duster. Above blocks 3 and 4 almost complete. Just need to add the extra pieces and friendship star blocks for the finish. Up next, 5 and 6 cut out and ready to sew. They seem to be getting a bit more complicated as we go,

Busy week for me, Chapter Meeting yesterday and Longarm meeting on Saturday. 
Enjoy the rest of your week!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Stash Report


Happy Mother's Day. I got to spend Mothers day with all the kids in San Diego. We had a wonderful time. Here I am with all my grand daughters and daughters. My grandson whould not get in the picture.

Nothing finished this week and no adds to the stash.

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Stash Report

Yes, I did get this charity quilt finished, but it was the only sewing I did all week. This is headed for the longarm and will be quilted up this coming week.

 My Fairy Duster quilt is coming along slowly. There are 92 friendship star blocks to make for the blocks and borders. They finish at 3". I have cut out most of them with the Accquilt- which is making it much easier. Two of the large paper-peiced blocks are done and two more cut out and ready to sew.  Much work to be done on this one!

Nothing purchased this week.

 Used this week: 10 yards.
Used YTD: 107.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0yards.
Purchased YTD: 63 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 44.5 yards.

Enjoy your week!